Come Meet the Members of our Coven



Draecon joins the Demon Temple as Marketing Director.  He has been doing Spiritual Rituals and Demonic Work with Akelta since she introduced him to the Path in 2005 when they met.  He is Gifted Astral Traveler, A devotee of Lord Mammon, and has a passion for spiritual development.  He enjoys working with his Demon Companions and has a strong friendship with Tiger.  Draecon is excited to help us take the Demon Temple to the next level.

Akelta Wilde

Some chick who does things with Demons
Satan's Little Elf
Glutton for Mammon's Lessons
Might be a Necromancer
Definitely a Warlock
Tiger's Khaleesi <3
:JudgmentToad:"Judged by Norm"


Ysabeau is an Author, Spiritual
Anthropologist, Artist, Social Marketing Expert, and gifted psychic
who is a very cherished member of the
Coven! Everyone in discord knows her
for her kind and playful nature and her
incredible ability to moderate any 
situation in a just and fain manner.  Ysa brings her love of the spiritual world
and her vibrant and charismatic energy to this space.  

We know the Darkness
and the Demons 
who walk within it.

We are dedicated to the education and evolution of the human experience through the deep connections that we have cultivated through the demonic divine.  

We know the next step and we understand the importance of integration between the upper and lower chakras.  Many teach one or the other.  We know the balance and our approach is the integration and unity or both.  

Like the Darkness and Light, all things must fall into balance, and to experience true freedom, one much knows their individual balance.

The Darkness is our Domain

We know the power and the importance of the Demonic Divine and how its integration is imperative for the next stage in human evolution.  Mature Darkness must rise and it is through education and empowerment that it will happen.

We know the Demonic Divine

The Demonic Divine is rising. It is bringing with it wisdom and empowerment that only the darkness can teach.  Now is the time to find balance and now is the time to awaken and embrace your core potential.  

Embrace Demons

We know the Spiritual World

We have traveled far and solved the powerful mysteries of the universe and the Inner Spiritual World.  We have unlocked the code of the Universe and we are ready to reveal its secrets.

Embrace the Spiritual World

We know the Sacred Darkness 

The Darkness is home.  We understand and we embrace the mature and balanced aspects of it.  We know how to bring unity to the human soul and restore the diginity of the dark.

Embrace Sacred Darkness

Client Testimonials

Don’t take our word for it – here’s what our clients say:


“If you are looking for something to aid in your psychic development, this is a great starting place! Having this working done, with some effort on your part, will aid in your psychic Awakening. First off, the working will be done. After the working, you are provided a detailed write-up that sort of explains how the process went and where your trouble areas were at. This isn’t a “physical” surgery but is done with energy on the astral level. You don’t need to worry about “major” side effects either (at least in my experience). After the surgery, and contemporaneous to the write-up, you’ll receive a book of exercises that will aid you in being able to develop your senses. This is a must. I’m not saying you have to do it with military precision on a strict timeline or all will be lost, but simply that you too must put forth some effort. If you do, the results are amazing! In my case, I began to have more vivid dreams (with meaning), and began to “feel” energies easier, as well as sense my companions. It’s only been a few months, but this event really marked the beginning of my psychic awakening, and I can’t wait to see where it goes! My thanks goes out to the ladies of S&S and Uphir for providing this service to me!”

Elena. A.

"I received an elemental healing and was surprised how I was able to tell when it was taking place. At first, I noticed that I was tired, what I’ve come to understand is a norm when experiencing healing. 2nd I experience light energy and relief in the areas of my body. The healer was able to sense exactly where I was having problems without previous knowledge of the issues. I gained helpful insight and increased self-awareness. I’d recommend it to anyone. Thank you so much."


“Ladies of The Demon Temple. Thank you so much for making this Magickal. I was very impressed with the quick delivery time to Australia. The items I received were exactly as pictured. Having had them for a while now, I must say am very impressed. I have been struggling with self-discipline in two different areas of my life, one with a minor addiction, the other with not taking certain actions that are beneficial. Since receiving the Self Discipline Demon Crafted Magickal, I have now reduced my use of the addictive substance to almost nil. Only once in the past fortnight instead of four times daily. I have also taken the positive action necessary to really propel myself forward in a new endeavour I was procrastinating with. It hasn’t been totally easy, but I am feeling the power and influence. It is just amazing to me that such a big difference has been achieved. I highly recommend this item to anyone with similar struggles.”

Interviews and Media Appearances

We have been featured on various podcasts and written articles for different sources! We have been guests on the hit Youtube Channel Over Night as experts in Demons and Dark Magick.

If you are interested in interviewing us or having us guest on your show please send an email to...

Over Night


In the World's Most Haunted Hotel

Over Night



Over Night



Over Night


HAUNTED QUEEN MARY: Possession of Elton Castee

Unseen Seraph

(guest blogger)

What Are The Different Layers Of The Aura?

Unseen Seraph

(guest blogger)

How To Read Auras: What Do Different Colors Mean?

Studio Pearlesence

(honorable mention)

My Path with the Demonic Divine

Higher Consciousness Radio


Possession Syndrome Roundtable Discussion

Higher Consciousness Radio


What Spirit has to Say About the Structure of the Universe - Roundtable Discussion

Higher Consciousness Radio


Sludge Energy and Entities with Akelta Wilde

Higher Consciousness Radio


The Left Handed Path with Akelta Wilde

Spell Hub


04/06/2016 Priestess Akelta Interview

Shadowland Radio 


Shadowland Podcast #17

Let's Talk Magazine


Demons and the Demonic Divine